Notification Center

If you need utility lines marked or located, you can call the statewide number 811 or 1-800-545-6005 or you may contact Texas 811 directly.

Texas811, a non-profit corporation, is a pioneering company in the field of Damage Prevention. We are continually furthering our in-house technology in a joint venture with other states along with Progressive Partnering, Inc, to advance our interface to better serve our members. With that, we offer several ways to process locate requests, such as, GeoRemote, FastCustomer and Web Entry. To learn more about those services please visit To utilize any of our technologies, there are no contracts, no penalties and no hassles! Over 1,300 Facility Operators appreciate the value of being Texas811 members. They value the opportunity to network with other Damage Prevention Professionals at the Texas Damage Prevention Summits. They value the chance to communicate in the Texas811 Magazine, which is distributed quarterly to over 40,000 subscribers, as well as through social media, the Texas811 E-newsletter, and our dynamic website.

11880 Greenville Ave., Ste. 120
Dallas, TX 75243
Ph: 972-231-5497
Fax: 972-231-7006